BIG NEWS. I've just made some more copies of ( A VERY HIGHBROW VIDEO ) If you missed it last time nows your chance to grab one. I only made 10 so you better be quick if you want one.
Here are some pics of the wall i painted at campus skatepark in bristol. It was for a night i put on a few weeks ago. i showed this edit and had at art auction. managed to sell everything which was a bonus. was a good turn out. lots and skating and boozing.
Im off to dublin today to stay with the man that made this jem of a skate film. the man that is Phil Evans. Check out his blog HERE and order one of his dvd's.
Here is the beast of a man Al Collins showing everyone how to skate Dublin.
the highbrow company is many things, but its mostly a name i use to sell stuff i create. there will be posters, adverts and videos posted on a weekly basis.
sometimes its hard at the top.
You can contact me here is you so wish,