HIGHBROW skater, phil parker went on a two week road trip with the uk converse team around europe. you can see what happened HERE. im so stoked for phil, finally getting out and about. i hope this is just the beggining for him.
pontus alv has started a new board company called POLAR SKATE CO. these first boards look rad. cant wait to see more from this. check it out here http://insearchofthemiraculous.se/blog/
here are a couple drawings i did for a show last year at donuts. pritty stoked on these. got to start painting more. if anyone would like to purchase anything off me give me a holla and ill see what i can do.
the highbrow company is many things, but its mostly a name i use to sell stuff i create. there will be posters, adverts and videos posted on a weekly basis.
sometimes its hard at the top.
You can contact me here is you so wish, mike.highbrow@hotmail.co.uk